How About The Best Christmas Ever!

This week from the MS & Me blog archive Emma Rogan shares her thoughts on minding your energy levels, minding your mind and making it the Best Christmas, EVER! 

Here we are again folks. The dark evenings are lit up with the brilliant shiny lights hung across our streets, houses, trees and anything else that needs a bit of a lift. With all that’s going on, how’s your inner light? Maybe this year has been tough and you’re worried about what the Christmas time will bring? Life with MS is different for all of us, whether we have the condition, our loved one is living with it, or it is our friend who has it. Whatever way you’ve come to know about MS, one piece of information we all share- living with it can bring unwelcome surprises to our lives at any time of the year but especially times like this.  

Rushing around meeting friends, catching up with family, making sure the shopping’s done, presents are wrapped and everyone is catered for can cause us all to dim a little. So, how about you take time to take time to relax, to be kind to yourself and be prepared to welcome whatever comes in the next few days.

Here are a few suggestions for you to get your inner light shining again:

Look After Yourself

Take it easy on yourself- Christmas is about different things to different people. If you’re not feeling great, that’s all right. All the fuss isn’t for everyone.

Time with Friends

Make time to be with people you love to be around. Not only does having a good laugh and shaking off your troubles make you feelgood, you’re reinforcing your connections with folks by celebrating life. It’ll boost your health too! 

Ask for Help

With so much going on, make sure you ask for help. Sometimes people need the opportunity to help out, ask them. So many things are much better when done with others and that includes the washing up!

Out and About

Do three things to relax every day: walk, listen to some of your favourite music, dive into that book you’ve been wanting to read, meditate (try out DigiPill, an excellent app to make the most of taking time out) enjoy a walk in the local park/field/woods, fly a kite if you have one. 

Mind Your Body 

Sleep and rest are fundamental to you enjoying the waking hours. Plan your rest times and stick to them. You’ll be energized to move on to the next fun event- Monopoly, card games, Pictionary anyone??

Exercise: Heart pumping, moving your limbs, deep breath…and out in the fresh-air. Brisk morning walks in the early light will give you a great start to the new day. Jogging along the beach will be my way of blowing off the cobwebs and excess eating!

Eating and Drinking

Eat mindfully; that is, watch what you’re eating, go for the delicious healthy food and keep the treats to as little as temptation allows!


Your happiness is all the more meaningful when based on real events. You don’t have to be sober all Christmas but if you are you will feel better. Be real about how much you’re drinking and take it easy.


Reminding ourselves of the good things in life is important; unless we think about what aspects of life to be thankful for, the difficult aspects can overwhelm us. For me, it helps to think about loved ones, those very special moments that enhanced my life experiences. By bringing them to mind, I’m tapping into those great memories, recreating the positive emotions tied to that memory.

Sometimes we can’t find nice memories or anything to be thankful about. If you need help finding these things that you have, talk to a close friend about what’s on your mind. Make contact with someone in the Samaritans, they’d love to hear what you have to say if you think you can’t talk to anyone else call 116 123

This is the time of year when we get to be with friends and family, enjoy being ourselves, being at peace with folk and have a gentle time before the promising adventures of the New Year. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas Season. Here’s to minding your energy levels, minding your mind and making it the Best Christmas, EVER! 

For updates and to take part in Emma’s ongoing adventures, please visit and join in the conversation on Twitter 

Blog originally published in 2013

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