NEW Podcast Launched

For World MS Day we are proud to launch a brand new series of podcasts.

The podcast series will feature Clare, Shirley and Seamus. In each podcast they reflect on their experiences since being diagnosed with MS. They offer insights into how they have learned to deal with symptoms and they reflect on how their connections within the MS community have helped them. 

Podcasts will be available from Spotify from Friday 28th May. You can also listen by clicking on the link and subscribing to Acast. By subscribing you will receive notifications when new podcasts are added.

Friday, 28th May 2021


In our first episode Clare talks about her newly diagnosed self and the lessons she has learned in the 20 plus years since diagnosis. What has helped, who has helped and what she has learned to dismiss. She talks about her MS related challenges and the importance of connection. 

Note to listeners- there are references to the losses that living with MS can bring.

Saturday, 29th May 2021


In this episode Seamus likens his journey with MS too a battle, and explores his resolve in managing the challenges that arise for him on an often-daily basis. He speaks of the impact of MS on his worth as a person, and as a father.  He reveals what supports him to keep going, and the lessons he has learned in the 16 years since diagnosis. He shares how his connection with himself through art and poetry has also been a platform from which he can reach out and connect with other people living with MS, sharing his experiences and learnings. 

Note to listeners- there are references to the losses that living with MS can bring.

Sunday, 30th May 2021


In this episode Shirley talks about her MS diagnosis 4 years ago and the emotions and feelings that went with it. She talks about the impact her diagnosis had on those closest to her, as well as the reactions of people in the wider community to her diagnosis. She reflects on how she coped with peoples’ reactions and also how she adapted her work and family life to accommodate her symptoms. Shirley also discusses the advice she would now give to her newly diagnosed self and the importance to her of following her own path and finding the right supports suited to her individual needs.

Note to listeners – there are references to the losses that living with MS can bring.

We hope you enjoy listening!

A big thank you to Mary McCusker, Robert Joyce, John McDonald and Mags Ryan.
